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„When making big change happen, you will need all the help you can get to keep going, become more resilient and prevail.” So it is more than OK to ask for help in change.

There are all kind of changes around us: moving into bigger roles, constant restructuring within organisations, digital transformation, new market penetration to keep up with the competition, adjusting to societal changes etc.

….. and are happening whether you like it or not.

….. and today you are experiencing the slowest pace of change you will experience for the rest of your life.

No matter how forward thinking, driving, capable, committed, and inspired you are, making change especially bigger ones can easily get you isolated, frustrated and drained.

The challenges are that you won’t have all the answers, you cannot ask all the important questions to yourself, you won’t have all the necessary competencies to lead the change, even if you think you have. Therefore, you need help.

Change is not linear, and unfortunately cannot be done by the book. You have to have the right kind of dialogues within your leadership team, within your organisation and you have to have powerful conversations about yourself. No, this is not a marketing pitch. This is REALITY.

If you want to thrive on change you cannot do it alone. And your willingness to work and reflect on yourself as a person and as a leader will definitely enhance your success.


This is my mantra. Everything is based on human interactions. Interactions between various stakeholders: leaders-teams, leaders-shareholders, leaders/teams-customers, leaders-regulators, organisation-society etc.

If you want your organisation to change, if you want different behaviours from your people, from your key stakeholders you have to start behaving differently, doing something differently. Because what you see and get right now is a response to your current behaviours, and activities as a leader.

That is the reason you have to start with yourself first. That is the reason you should focus on your Inner Journey first. And that inner journey needs to match the outer journey, the change initiatives within your organisation. This is unavoidable, otherwise you will give out confusing signals and you can easily become a well-intentioned but accidentally diminishing leader.

  • What conversations are you postponing within your leadership team?
  • What questions are you avoiding, therefore, not asking yourself?
  • What way you need to rewire yourself as a leader in order to be more resilient?
  • Where can you ask for help?

Source: The little book of making big change happen by Neil Scotton & Dr. Alister Scott, Transformational Leadership Executive Coaching

Read more on TRANSFORMATIONAL Leadership here.