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Transformational Leadership

Insights for Transformational Leaders: Navigating the Inner and Outer Journeys of Change:

Effective Transformational Leaders understand that true transformation occurs when the inner and outer journeys align, enabling individuals and organizations to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

‘The Little Book of Making Big Change Happen’ by Scotton and Scott is a compilation of profoundly practical and concise insights on effective leadership, aimed at facilitating significant transformations and navigating organisations through change. The book’s pearls of wisdom have the power to inspire individuals in unique ways, stimulating profound thoughts, ideas, and actions.

The Paradox of Change

“The paradox of making change happen is that change is all about you but it is also not about you. There is an inner journey which needs to match the outer journey.”

The paradox of change presents a fascinating conundrum that lies at the heart of making meaningful and lasting transformations. It highlights the intricate relationship between personal growth and external change initiatives. As the saying goes, “Change is all about you, but it is also not about you.”

On one hand, change necessitates a deep exploration of one’s own beliefs, values, and behaviors. It requires individuals, particularly leaders, to embark on an inner journey of self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-development. This inner work is essential for leaders to cultivate the necessary mindset, skills, and resilience to navigate the complexities and challenges of change, not only for themselves but for their organisation as well. It involves examining one’s biases, assumptions, and limitations and consciously working toward personal growth and leadership development.

On the other hand, change is not solely an individual endeavor. It extends beyond the self and encompasses the collective efforts of teams, organizations, and stakeholders. Leaders, therefore, must also focus on the outer journey of change – strategizing, planning, and executing initiatives that drive transformation within their spheres of influence. They are responsible for creating a shared vision, rallying the team, and implementing effective strategies that align with the desired change outcomes.

The paradox emerges from the delicate balance between these two dimensions of change. Leaders who exclusively prioritize the external aspects risk becoming detached and inauthentic. Merely instructing others without actively engaging in their own inner growth can create a sense of disconnection and skepticism among team members. Authentic leadership, however, requires leaders to be the change to lead the change they wish to see. By embodying the values, behaviours, and mindset they seek in others, leaders can inspire and motivate their teams more effectively.

To navigate this paradox, leaders must embark on a more holistic approach to change. It starts with their own inner work, cultivating self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. By consciously addressing their own biases and limitations, leaders become better equipped to empathize with and understand their team members’ experiences. This self-reflection allows leaders to align their inner journey with the outer journey of change, creating a powerful synergy between personal transformation and organizational transformation.

When working with leaders on Transformational Leadership, it becomes imperative to prioritize and support their inner work. By providing opportunities for self-reflection, coaching, and personal development, leaders can deepen their understanding of themselves and their capacity to drive change. This, in turn, enhances their ability to lead authentically, fostering trust, commitment, and engagement among their team members.

In essence, the Paradox of Change reminds us that effective leadership in the face of transformation requires a delicate dance between personal, leadership growth and external transformational and change plans. By embracing this paradox, leaders can truly be the change they wish to see and lead their teams with authenticity, compassion, and unwavering commitment.

Consider your current change journey: What inner transformations do you need to undergo to effectively lead the change?

To be continued….


Source: The little book of making big change happen by Neil Scotton & Dr. Alister Scott,  Transformational Leadership Executive Coaching