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Transformational Leadership

’Inspire others by being the change’ is the second phase of the TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE COACHING. It is about the inner work of Transformational Leader by creating your new map of self as a Leader. Realigning and raising your self-awareness as a leader to be better equipped for today and tomorrow.

To move towards the vision and achieve the business results outlined in the first phase of the process in order to be a successful leader:

  • What are your strengths/inner resources you can build on?
  • What are those qualities that are no longer helping you to be a successful leader? It may have helped you a lot to get to where you are now, and you may consider it as your strength but going forward it isn’t the one that helps you to achieve breakthrough business result and make a real shift. E.g. one of my clients said: “I am a reliable leader I always deliver what I promise. But this became kind of a must, a basic; no longer differentiate me as a leader”. Another example, there is a difference between management and leadership mindset – management mindset can get in the way of developing into leadership. We need to identify what is in the way? What needs to be replaced with?
  • What new qualities are needed today to be successful? What needs to be sharpened? For example Global Perspective is one of the leadership qualities which come up quite frequently, in order to become more of a visionary leader and prepare yourself and your organisation for the future.
  • What do you think what are the qualities you don’t have and you don’t need, in fact you don’t want it? You may see things in others who are really successful but you against those attributes: e.g. hunger of power, self-marketing – “I don’t like pushing myself in a way XY does it!” or “I hate organisational politics! I try to avoid it as much as possible.”  When we explore this we are unfolding areas you don’t want to see in yourself for whatever reasons, so we are hitting your blind spots, your own the limitations, your inner boundaries as a leader.

This is a basic frame and the first layer of a more complex exercise of creating your new map of self as a leader for now and for the future. It is about how and what you should change in order to lead the change. And how you role model the change by deciding on how much you want disclose about your own transformational journey. These all serve you to be more inspirational for your people and for your followers.