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Future Leadership, Admission to & Transition in C-Suite

My questions for executive candidates: Do you want to reach the C-Suite? There are only a limited number of executive offices. How can you demonstrate you’re the person to occupy one? My questions for organisations: Do you have a thorough supporting and selection process for top leadership promotions in place? What are the risks if you don’t have?

Selecting the right candidate for a C-level/leadership position is not an easy decision from the organisation’s point of view as these people will have enormous impact on the whole organisation.

As from the individual’s point of view the question is what it takes to move to the top of the organisation chart? For C-Suite Executive Candidates it is equally important to work with discipline on both developing into a top role and preparing themselves for the successful admission.

Areas need to be considered:


You need to have a winning (sustainable and strong) business case for today continuously changing business environment. You need to be clear and convincing about ‘why you’. You must have a unique selling proposition for yourself.  And create a compelling vision for organisation and self as a top leader.


You need to develop a certain set of leadership competencies and learn how to demonstrate those required criteria and verbalise strong evidences during an admission process and in the necessary documentations. This require great deal of self-awareness from you as a leader.


You need to define and build an impactful leadership brand of self and demonstrate it within 10-15 minutes during the admission panel/interview. Also strengthen the ability to elicit public trust as a face of the company in the eyes of various and diverse stakeholders.


Becoming a top executive you must have alliances, who support you with positive soundings within the organisation. You also need to enhance your leadership power and visibility by having strong internal and external network at all levels (local, regional and global).


Finally prepare for the executive admission panel or interview. Learn how to handle challenging questions and manage self under pressure in the given moment (e.g. killer questions, behavioural triggers, hidden objections and agendas). Practice mock panels/interviews and receive expert feedback.

Today business is diverse, complex and continuously changing. Preparing for a C-level position in the five areas mentioned above through the lens of current reality is even more challenging. Based on my experience you can save energy, time and increase your success rate if you work with a professional who can help you with laser sharp questioning on this journey.