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I know you are a leader. And you think you don’t have fears………. But let’s be frank, this is the outer story, or I would say the facebook story, because leaders have fears as well.


  • fear of being judge, criticized for their approach
  • fear of appearing foolish
  • fear of not being liked
  • fear of failing, therefore, not trying to change themselves radically
  • keep postponing to talk about their own future, their own vision, because the company is more important
  • ignore vulnerability around them and scared to look vulnerable in front of their people
  • fear of making the wrong decision
  • scared of certain individuals who make them look less strong as a leader
  • sabotage their own renewal to be able remain in the game of today
  • ………………….

I had a client who had no vision of becoming the CEO of the multinational company, when we met first. She didn’t dare to dream big, she didn’t see herself as a real game changer. However, in our first coaching session I saw that she had every potentials to become one. Her fear was around not having awareness of her real talents, her true strengths and her ability to truly renew herself as a leader. But she was willing to take the risk and work on herself and she did it. I am very proud of her!

Fear can hold you back to live your dream life, to think and act big.

On the other hand fear can be a great motivator. Fear is your friend. “Fear will always be in the car with you but make sure that not in the driving seat” – as Lisa Nicols said.

As an executive coach I want to help to disrupt any form of mediocricy, to make a real transformation in your life, to make a leap. First you have to look fear in the face.

And rewrite the story of your life!

  • Are you willing to make a leap?
  • How do you sabotage your own success and fulfilment?
  • What is your next chapter like?
  • How would the world benefit differently because who you decide to be?
  • What would you do if…….?