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CRAFT Leadership

“The power of visibility can never be underestimated.” Margaret Cho – What is visibility? The ability to see or be seen and the degree, quality or state of being known to the public. Why visibility is so important today?

We live in a complicated world. This reality is overly transparent, and technology driven in which nothing can be hidden. The increased complexity of stakeholders and the continuous information overflow make the business even more challenging. If you want to be heard and seen you need to get through the noise produced by all the distractions. Also today, being good at your job isn’t the only requisite for getting ahead in your career. Therefore, visibility became a key part of successful leadership. If you ignore it you may miss out opportunities and lessen your impact and influence as a leader both internally and externally.

Useful strategies to maximize your exposure as a leader:

  • Grow your network
  • Become well-known within the organisation and out of the organisation
  • Build strong connections with influential people internally and externally
  • Represent your team/department/division at company-wide (cross-function and regional) gatherings
  • Engage in more public speaking in your competency field and demonstrate your expertise
  • Whenever you are at a conference, leave a mark.  1) Speak up, say your name and your position and where you are from;  2) Connect to the presenter by stating what s/he said…., how it has impacted/intrigued you…; 3) Then ask a question….
  • Ask for and get involved in high-visibility projects
  • CRAFT your leadership brand and live, communicate by them
  • Identify your key stakeholders and develop relationship with them
  • Design alliances and lobby
  • Find your own way of using social media for visibility
  • Write publications, articles
  • Join associations, professional bodies, commercial chambers and attend their assemblies regularly
  • Be a news source and always be ready for an interview
  • Sponsor Corporate Social Responsibility or Community Service projects

The above all cannot be achieved at full scope besides your heavy working schedule without a concentrated effort. You need to design your own customized strategy with laser sharp focus and consistency in order to succeed.

You’ve got to find your own unique way of being visible.

Questions to reflect:

  • Who are your key stakeholders both internal and external?
  • How visible are you towards your key stakeholders?
  • What is your way of being visible for example in social media?
  • Where are you the most visible?
  • Where are you the least visible?
  • What are your fears, your own saboteurs of being visible?
  • To what extent and in what way visibility can be a shared responsibility within your leadership team?