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“Leadership is not about knowing the answer; it is the capacity to release the collective intelligence and insight of groups and organisations” (Source: Living Leadership, by George Binney, Collin Williams and Gerard Wilke)

Modernistic approaches to leading organisations are about numbers, measurements and effectiveness. But what we actually do is we are losing and abusing the talents we have. We are not getting, or we cannot possibly get the best out of our people in this way. We cannot lead nor innovate on a diet of fear, push and control. However, in the VUCA world the challenges we are facing are way too complex, therefore, we need to create environments where intelligent teams and organisations can be built and sustained, allowing us to tap into to the enormous resources and potential that exists in front of our very eyes.

We also need to explore new ways of leading the change.

According to research leading is a social process, it happens between people. Relations are the necessary foundation for delivering results. Building good working relationships comes before running operations or shaping the future.  Success depends on a leader`s ability to work within a context, and within systems.

Based on these findings Ann Rød (presenter of CHN – Coaching without Borders) created the Relationship Systems Intelligence to build intelligent teams and lead intelligent change in order to fit for the future.

Read my original article on the topic in more details in Hungarian at Forbes.hu: https://forbes.hu/uzlet/intelligens-csapat-anne-rod-chn/